ACSD & The Cane: The Most Practical Self Defense System with The Most Practical Self Defense Tool for Today’s World!
Grandmaster Joe Robaina’s American Cane Self Defense allows you to live life fully, fearlessly, and confidently. ACSD is a complete system of self defense for facing the types of conflicts that may surprise you in daily living.
In our programs, you learn the ways of the modern day Cane Warrior, conquering your fears and insecurities so you live life confidently and fearlessly. Unlike traditional martial arts, ACSD trains you to use tools so you are effective in hours rather than years. Not only do we teach how to use the most effective self defense tool you can carry anywhere legally, the Cane, you will also develop the empty hand skills in the event you find yourself without a tool. Our training program is built around a modern approach to handling the types of threats and confrontations most likely to occur in our contemporary American culture.
ACSD is a realistic tactical self defense system composed of Cane and Empty Hand Skills. You do not need to study 5 different martial arts or traning systems. We teach you how to defend against:
– striking, punching, and kicking
– grappling, throwing, and joint locking
– defenses against weapons including, knife, gun, and all types of impact weapons
– multiple attackers and surprise attacks
– psychological intimidation and/or bullying.
Beyond the basic training that leads to Certified Empowerment Coach in American Cane Self Defense, advanced courses include the following:
– Advanced methods and training for survival in hostile environments against trained opponents.
-Defenses against armed opponents
PLEASE TEXT CCC To 305-745-7839 for your No Cost Cane Clarity Call so you know exactly how to structure your training at home so the traiing actually gets done and you get the results you want!
Combat Cane Spinning- The Fastest Growing Movement in the Cane Culture.
ACSD Combat Cane Spining is the fastest growing branch of American Cane Self Defense. It is also the most misunderstood by traditional Cane practitioners who are only familiar with the old and limited Cane Spinning they were exposed to in their training.
Joe Robaina and the Combat Cane Spinning Society have taken Cane Spining from the horse and buggy to the leer jet in terms of skills, applicability, practicality, structure, community, support and dare we say…Cool and Fun!
This unique form of Combat Cane Spinning is best learned via:
- With At Home Training System Online Where we get to SEE YOU and Provide feedback just as we would in a class.
- LIVE Immersion 3-Day Trainings at the Miami HDQ
Here’s the Official Defintion of Robaina Style Combat Cane Spinning by the Combat Cane Spinning Society:
Combative Cane Spinning is one of the three main components of American Cane Self Defense (ACSD). It consists of solo, combative movements in a non-scripted flow and the same in a two player format referred to as “Cane Play”. The training teaches students simulated combat while applying the ACSD techniques with power, speed, and accuracy in a controlled manner.
Combat Cane Spinning teaches and refines practitioner’s (Player’s) footwork, timing, coordination, and control. In application, the Cane Player executes a series of fluid defensive and counter-strike movements that simulate combat against one or multiple opponents. The combative flows whether solo or paired, feature strikes, parries, thrusts, and spins at varying tempos and heights.
As the name implies, the hallmark of Combat Cane Spinning and one of the key features that differentiates it from other forms of Cane Spinning, is the combative emphasis. Every maneuver, footwork, and technique is performed with a self-defense purpose.
CCS is an activity that appeals to Cane Players of all ages with physical, mental, and social benefits. It is more social than competitive and in Cane Play the emphasis is in pointing out the openings of the opponent without making contact while exhibiting skill, speed, and control. While the Canes make contact, striking the opposing player is prohibited.
Performed at the highest levels it is an art that exhibits fluidity, elegance, and control amongst Cane Players referred to as “Caners” in ACSD culture.
Whether Spinning or Cane Play, CCS sessions can provide a complete workout with an emphasis on hand-eye coordination, stamina, balance, agility, and flexibility.
From a social perspective, the goal of Combat Cane Spinning is to bring families and communities together with an activity that enhances and preserves mind-body coordination and is carried out in a joyful atmosphere.
Please Call: 800-289-8188 to learn how you can learn Combat cane Spinning Directly from the Source!