American Cane Self Defense - The Tactical Cane Self Defense Authority!
Your Source for the Best Reality Based Cane Self Defense Training & Home of the Robaina Raven All Metal Self Defense Cane
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The Robaina Raven and Five 2 Survive Training Course
Click here to shop Self Defense canes & Training
The Robaina Raven
The Robaina Raven all Metal Self Defense Canes (click below for video)
Raven & 52S – or – Raven w/o 52S
Five 2 Survive Training Course
Reality Based Tactical Cane Self Defense Training (click below for video)
52S w/Cane – or – 52S w/o Cane
More Self Defense Canes
Click on any graphic below for a video of each of our self defense canes. Five 2 Survive Tactical training is offered at a 50% discount when purchased with any self defense cane.
The Robaina All Metal Raven ( Click for Video)

With 52S - or - Without 52S
The Triple Gripper Octagonal Tear Drop Cane (Click for Video)

With 52S - or - Without 52S
The Triple Gripper Every Day Cane ( Click for Video)

With 52S - or - Without 52S
The Robaina Heavy Cane (Click for Video)

With 52S - or - Without 52S
The Black Mamba Cane Black Tie Cane (Click for Video)

With 52S - or - Without 52S
Drone Training Cane (Click for Video)

With 52S - or - Without52S
Cane Self Defense Training
Click on the DVD cover for a video preview. Also, check out our new Cane Self Defense DVD (not shown here) “The Mean 18″. A collection of short videos that show you how to defend and survive a 18 different unique types of attacks. Click here to get The Mean 18 on DVD.
Power Foundations (Click for Video)
Snap, Crackle Pop (Click for Video)
Smashes, Thrashes & Hits (Click for Video)
Cane Throws for the Street (click for video)
Cane Grappling (Click for Video)
Flight, or Fight ( Click Below for Video)
American Cane Self Defense Testimonials

“Two years ago I developed a deteriorating condition that kept me bedridden, unable to move. I came to this class wanting to learn the cane system and in 3 days I’m feeling better than I have in a long time.
Even my wife notices they change in my attitude and
From first hand experience in many courses in many schools , Dr Robina teaching, guidance and follow up with students is SECOND TO NONE.
World Cass Instructor and opportunity he is offering.
I strongly recommend this course. –
Gil Martinez, Florida
This testimonial is not about canes, or cane training exactly. It is about Dr. Joe Robaina, whom I have known and worked with and worked for going on 7 years and as someone with more than a casual association it is my honor to be able to share one little
“In my work as a government consultant, I travel to many troubled places in the world where I feel a need for greater personal security. After carefully evaluating my options, I learned that Joe Robaina is one of the two specialists in cane defense and the best possible instructor. Twelve

“ GM Robaina has taken centuries old combative principles adapted them for modern day street self defense and presents it in the simplest, most practical way I have ever seen. His method takes the complex and makes it ready to use.
His effectiveness and economy of motion are ridiculous. My
“I have military and law enforcement experience and studied martial arts over 40 years…and I’m NOT just saying this: I’ve NEVER seen anything like GM Robaina’s ACSD. At my age, I never thought I would see something truly different in self-defense.
I really believe Robaina’s method WILL change the way
...moreDear Sir. I have been watching your videos on You Tube, and found them very practical and easy to use for the defense of Senior Citizens. I have a background of over 35 yrs in various disciplines of Martial Arts, being a 4th Dan in Karate Ist Dan in Krav

I just finished the Cane Seminar with GM Joe. Traveled all the way from Canada to participate. GM Joe is a fantastic teacher and true Martial Artist, in every sense of the word. He has developed a realistic fighting system with the Cane.
It was an intense Seminar, covering a
...moreTwo Cane Workout
Rolling with the Raven
The Tactical Cane Self Defense Authority – Never Walk in Fear Again
American Cane Self Defense
Home of the Robaina Raven all Metal Cane and Five 2 Survive Tactical Preparedness Program
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