Written by Joe Robaina June 2020
Caner Aliases came to be part of our Cane Culture from the onset when I would “christen” students at the ACSD HDQ in Miami,Fl with nicknames based on characteristics that were obvious to me as their Instructor. When properly chosen, they provide insights about a Caner that may not be readily apparent. It also contributes to the fun & cool factor. Learn more below.
Stage names are used by artists in a variety of genres. They’re used with pride and displayed like a well earned military badge. Canin’ is an art and as such, follows suit.
These names may be given to Caners by their Instructor (like I used to do) but today Caners have the freedom to choose their own. No need to have anyone’s permission to define who you are with that Cane.
One of the most important functions of choosing your Caner Alias is to show affiliation to the Cane Culture. It tells people you’re part of this movement. It’s a declaration of your decision to revel in a lifestyle of creativity, respect, and community regardless if it’s your profession or your passion.
Here are a few tips to help you come up with your unique Caner Alias.

Emphasize a special trait or skill of your Canin’
“QuickDraw, “FlowMeister’, “PSBoss” (PS stands for Powershot, C’mon Caner Get With The Lingo!)conjure up images about how these Caners Cane. When the name and the skill align, the identity of the Caner is defined.

Emphasize a physical or character trait
You would imagine Canadian Caner “BigNorth” is not a little fella. Yet if he were, that would be okay too and says he has a sense of humor. Likewise, “AlphaCaner” likely aims to “dominate” the Cane or has an “Alpha” trait to his personality. “SuperSizeMe” was born when students at the HDQ wanted a step up in defending against a big, powerful guy, they would call on Gus Aguilar to “super size” them. A term borrowed from the fast food industry.
I can still hear them urging “C’mon Gus, Super Size Me!”

Show affiliation to a Cane Club, Training Center, or Crew
Cane clubs and the like can “brand” their members by creating a congruent identity in their names. For example, back in the day the Cane-Do Kai could add Kai to the end of their Caner’s names. NessaKai, PrinceKai, FingersKai. It lets the Caner community know who you represent.

Celebrate The Cane Skills You’re Known For
We all have skills and maneuvers we’re more attracted to or just come easy and we’re really good at. “Crazy8s” has some pretty cool Figure 8s. Caner “Catch” is known for his ability to let go and catch the Cane in mid-flight and Spinner1 you guessed it, Spins like a fiend.
Tell people how you serve.
“Caner Candela” is a Fireman. (Candela means fire in Spanish). I respectfully refer to Master Keith Melton as “The Ambassador” because regardless of how busy his travel schedule gets, he takes our Canin’ message to all corners of the world! In our Caner world there can only be ONE Ambassador and we all know who that is.

These are examples of how you might come up with your unique Caner Alias. However, there’s no written rule that says you have to choose any of these ideas. As long as it’s tasteful, void of curse words, you’re free to choose! A Caner Alias should be unique to you, and have a ring that resonates with you. If it sounds or feels right, don’t overanalyze it. Flow with it Caner!
Once you’ve decided on your Caner Alias, you can make it yours by registering it with the Combat Cane Spinning Society. We do a search to ensure another member hasn’t already registered it, so it’s a good idea to have two other choices just in case. Membership Certificates & Cards are issued with your Caner Alias.