Location: Cane-Do Kai U.S.A. HDQ.
Description: Senior Cane Self Defense (Cane Fu) & American Cane Self Defense Level1 Instructor Seminar.
Instructor: Joe Robaina
Dates: October 23-24 2009
Location: Cane-Do Kai U.S.A. Hdq: 5801 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, Florida 33144
Times: 10/23 – Friday: 5pm-8:30pm, 10/24- Saturday: 10am-5pm
Cost: Senior Cane Self Defense (Cane-Fu): $250.00, ACSD Level 1: $300.00, Both Certifications: $500.00
Limited To 5 Participants
To register or for more information please call 786-346-9150.
Start Date: 2009-10-23
Start Time: 05:00PM
End Date: 2009-10-24
End Time: 05:30PM