Cane Self Defense Online Training
Learn About The World’s premiere structured, step by step At-Home Cane Self Defense Training By TEXTING CCC to 305-745-7839 for your No Cost Cane Clarity Call. Get CLEAR on how to strcututre your Cane Self Defense Training At Home.
ALL ACSD courses include our feedback from ACSD Certified Instrctors in REAL TIME to support you throughout your Cane Training journey. Upon completion of each course checklist, you will qualify for your rank certificate for each course you complete.
In addition to our Cane At Home Virtual Trainings, LIVE in-person 3 day Cane Immersion trainings re offered in Feb & September at the Miami HDQ with ACSD Master Instrcutors to refine and cement your skills. These training events are offered several times per year in Flordia and have no expiration date. They also include 12 months of unlimited online training, certifications, membership and support at no additional cost.
To schedule your No Cost Caner Clarity Call to discuss your goals and how you can Master the Cane from the comfort and safety of your home. Please text CCC to 305-745-7839
We also love speaking with you at 800-289-8188!